
Things You Need To Know About Solar Energy Storage

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular as more ande more people become aware of the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy. But there’s been a limitation—solar panels only provide energy during the day and you still pay for electricity from the grid at night, or when atmospheric conditions mean you cannot generate all the energy you need. The energy you produce but don’t use goes back to the grid. With solar batteries, you’re able to store the energy generated by your solar panels and the battery will then distribute it at the end of the day, when the sun’s gone down and it is peak time for electricity use.

Solar and storage create business opportunities for each other. As solar penetration increases, states and solar companies are turning to storage. Energy storage can smooth electricity prices through arbitrage, manage evening energy ramps, mitigate the risk of curtailment, provide black start capability, provide backup power and more.

How do solar batteries work?

Solar batteries are essentially a means of storing the power generated by your solar panels for later use when the sun isn’t shining.

They take in the DC power that originates at your solar panels and store it for when you need it. When you’re ready, the inverter turns it into usable AC electricity. The solar energy charges the batteries and when you use the power at night or during bad weather, you’re drawing down the charge.

What are the benefits of solar battery storage?
Reduce your carbon footprint

By shifting your excess solar generation to peak periods, you’re reducing your carbon emissions and the demand on the electric grid, putting us closer to our goal of reaching less or even zero carbon emissions.

Reduce your electricity bill

A battery storage system lets you store excess solar energy generated during the day. You can use this excess energy during peak hours, when electricity is most expensive. This reduces the typical customer’s electric bill, but doesn’t factor in the cost of leasing or purchasing the battery. In some cases, you can even sell the energy you’re storing back to the grid when the rates are higher and bank the profit.

Backup Power

In the event of a power outage, battery storage systems can provide power and reliability. Unlike backup generators, battery storage can power critical appliances like your refrigerator.

Applications – What Energy Storage Can Do

Battery energy storage systems have a wide range of applications. Commercial applications include peak shaving, load shifting, emergency backup, and various grid services. Residential applications include self-consumption, off-grid homes, and emergency backup.

Load Shifting — Battery energy storage systems allow businesses to shift energy usage by charging batteries with solar energy or when electricity is cheapest and discharging batteries when it’s more expensive.


Off Grid — Batteries are necessary for a solar-powered off-grid home. Modern battery energy storage systems far exceed the capabilities of the marine lead-acid batteries used by pioneering solar DIYers in decades past. Modern systems are easier to install, easier to configure, more scalable, much cheaper per kWh of storage, and far safer.

Emergency Backup — Battery energy storage provides the peace of mind that comes with keeping the power on during an outage. Energy storage works with or without solar and is a safe and seamless alternative to small generators.

In conclusion, solar energy and storage technologies are the ultimate, powerful combination for the goal of independent, self-serving power production and consumption throughout days, nights and bad weather.

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